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General Questions
Subscription: Windnavigator
Subscription: Data Management
Products: Data
Products: Reports
General Questions
Where can I find the user guide?

The user guide can be found here.

How do I get to My Account?

To access your account once logged in, click your name in the upper-right corner of the page. The My Account page can also be accessed from

What browsers best support UL's online dashboards?

All of our dashboards are optimized to run in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

What can I access when I sign up for a free account?

A free account will give you access to the Windnavigator Dashboard where you can browse our wind map interface where you also have access to purchase our data and reports.

Subscription: Windnavigator
Do you have the region of the world I am interested in?

UL currently offers global subscriptions. Russia and a number of the islands in the Pacific Ocean are not currently available on the dashboard but will be soon. To purchase data from these regions, please contact us.

What values can I get with the API?

You can get eleven common wind statistics for you location including; Weibull A and k, elevation, air density, air temperature, energy, shear exponent, wind rose, wind speed, predominant direction and energy based on a turbine model. All values are average annual values. Wind speed, wind rose, and predominant direction values can be provided as monthly averages.

How many values can I get at once with the API?

Users can get up to 1,000 values with one call. Values need to be purchased in advance in one of our predefined value blocks.

Subscription: Data Management
How secure is my data?

Even though we are providing you access to view your data through the dashboard, UL has taken every step to ensure the security of your data. These precautions include password protection only allowing authorized users to access the data so that you can control what users have access to view and download data.

Where is the data stored?

UL stores your data in a mirrored data center in multiple locations. All locations have both electronic and physical security.

How frequently can I access my data?

You are able to access your data anywhere you have access to the internet. UL has an infrastructure that includes redundant switches, firewalls and power systems so that you can access to your secure data.

Products: Data
What software can I load the data in?

All of the data provided through the dashboard are provided in standard GIS formats that can be opened in all GIS software solutions including ArcGIS and Idrisi. The data can also be loaded into UL's Openwind software.

Do the deliverables include the images (i.e. wind rose, distribution etc.)?

You will receive an executable allowing you to view points by location and generate the associated image or you can generate the images for the whole dataset at once.

Can I get data clipped to my project area?

Your data is not able to be uploaded to the dashboard for use when clipping the data, but if you contact us we can do custom data requests.

What is the source of the elevation data?

The elevation data is a combination of SRTM, NED, CDED and Corine. SRTM is what we start with and we incorporate higher quality data where available.

What is the source of the land cover data?

The land cover comes from a combination of NLCD, GeoCover and GlobCover. NLCD is the standard, but is supplemented by the other data sources in areas with poor coverage.

Products: Reports
How are the energy numbers calculated?

Our reports are generated using a long term hourly data set. Based on the turbine you have selected the dashboard adjusts the power curve based on the air density of the site and then calculates the energy produced at each hour.

Do I have to compare three turbines in an advanced report; what if I am interested in only one?

You are able to select any number of turbines up to three. In instances where only one turbine is chosen, the data reported will only be for the one chosen and the table will be formatted accordingly.